Bring summertime joy back into the lives of kids facing hunger.

For thousands of children across Nebraska and western Iowa, summer means one thing: hunger. Last year, the price of food and everyday needs went up and never came down. Now, many children in Nebraska and western Iowa are facing another summer of hunger.

Every $1 you give today provides more than 3 meals.

With your support, you can help bring summertime joy back into the lives of kids facing hunger across the Heartland.

Photo collage of kids outside

In fiscal year (fy) 2022 the Food Bank:

  • Provided 1,366,606 children’s meals through the BackPack Program, Kids Cafe after school, and Kids Cafe summer feeding programs
  • Spent $8,658,925 to purchase food for our Heartland neighbors
  • Served 1,629,387 individuals across the Heartland
  • Distributed 32,031,032 pounds of food to neighbors in need

Discover how you can get involved at the Food Bank, learn more about our programs, and explore our mission in action.