
Be a catalyst for change. Become a voice for people in need and an advocate for our efforts.

Food insecurity is an extremely important issue—around the world, across the country, and right here in Nebraska and western Iowa. Help us advocate to end hunger. Whether you reach out to legislators, or work to educate your friends and family about food insecurity in our communities, every conversation is another vital step toward achieving our mission and ending hunger in the Heartland.

september is hunger action month

Photo of toaster with prescription cards in it instead of bread with the words Tell Congress food shouldn't be an impossible choice.

How you can make your voice heard:

How you can make your voice heard:

Advocacy Resources

Take action today! Below are some great resources on hunger advocacy efforts.

Donate Funds

Start a Virtual Funds Drive

Get your friends and family involved in the fight to end hunger. Set up your virtual funds drive today!

Food Donation

Host a Food Drive

Food drives are a great way to connect with co-workers and friends while helping our neighbors in need.