Category: News


July 31, 2024 Storm Resources

Food Bank for the Heartland is committed to supporting our neighbors affected by the recent storms. Together with our partners and the generosity of our community, we’re providing food, support, and hope in the face of disaster.

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Photo collage of girl holding lunch bag, grandparent with grandchild, boy looking at the camera with a soft smile, and woman holding bag of groceries

Op-Ed: Heartland families are facing a hunger crisis

On May 17, 2024, Brian Barks, President and CEO of Food Bank for the Heartland, and Michaella Kumke, President and CEO of Food Bank of Lincoln developed a joint op-ed showcasing the latest hunger statistics from Feeding America, and how Heartland families have been affected.

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Western Iowa Food Pantry Sees Increased Demand

Donations to food banks and food pantries tend to down in the summer, but hunger is often higher during summer months when kids are home from school. In Atlantic, a drive-thru food pantry has seen an increase in demand because of inflation and a reduction in COVID-era federal programs.

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